Difference between TypeScript and JavaScript

Posted on 11 October 2022
|5 min read|
typescript vs javascript

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    JavaScript has been available on the market for many years and has grown in popularity among developers as a scripting language. Every developer has a working knowledge of JavaScript.

    Typescript is an open-source programming language that helps developers in creating high-level apps. One of the software behemoths, Microsoft, created TypeScript in 2012. We can consider TypeScript as an enhanced version of JavaScript with extra features and it is helpful in handling large-scale applications.

    According to the status, nearly 60% of JavaScript developers now use TypeScript and another 22% want to do so. Do you want to understand why?

    For developers, JavaScript is the main programming language for applications and websites. So, we can use JavaScript for both frontend development and backend development with Node.Js and Deno frameworks.

    We will compare these two programming languages TypeScript and JavaScript in this article, along with their similarities and differences. Sharing here detailed benefits.

    What is JavaScript?

    You can use Javascript, a programming language, to make interactive web pages. It is a client-side programming language that uses just the resources in the user’s web browser, not those from the web server. REST APIs, XML, and other technologies may all be used with Javascript. JavaScript was created for programs with just a few hundred lines of code and not for extremely complicated, large-scale programs!

    What is TypeScript?

    An updated version of JavaScript is called TypeScript. JavaScript is a statically compiled programming language that is simple to read and comprehend. It can be run on Node js or any browser which supports ECMAScript 3 or newer versions. Adopting Typescript for a large JavaScript project can result in more reliable software. It is simple to deploy with a standard JavaScript application.

    Why JavaScript?

    Open source project with Microsoft’s patronage

    Specially designed for small scripts

    Supports modules, classes, and interfaces.

    Any browser that compiles JavaScript may run it.

    Cross-compilation is possible

    Adds classes, interfaces, and module support

    Why TypeScript?

    TypeScript supports API Documentation and JS Libraries.

    It is a superset of JavaScript and a scripting language with optional typing.

    TypeScript You may transform code into ordinary JavaScript code.

    Better code structuring and object-oriented programming techniques

    Greater tool assistance for development time

    It has the ability to go beyond the language’s default decorators and async/awaits.

    History of JavaScript

    Brendan Eich, a programmer with Netscape Communications Corporation, invented JavaScript. After becoming a well-liked scripting tool, it evolved into LiveScript.

    Let’s look at a significant turning point in JavaScript history:

    It was launched in September 1995 and it took just ten days to develop. This e-scripting language which was initially called Mocha

    In November 1996, Netscape submitted JavaScript to ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) International

    ECMAScript 2 was released in 1998

    ECMAScript 3 was released in 1999

    2005, Eich and Mozilla join ECMA to develop E4X Javascript

    In January 2009, the CommonJS project was launched with the aim of defining a common standard library

    2011, ECMAScript 5.1 was released

    2015, ECMAScript 2016 was released

    The current version is ECMAScript 2017 which was released in June 2017

    History of TypeScript

    Let’s see important landmarks from the History of TypeScript:

    The typescript was first made public in the year 2012

    After two years of internal development at Microsoft. TypeScript 0.9, released in 2013

    Additional support for generics TypeScript 1.0 was released at Build 2014

    In July 2014, a new TypeScript compiler came which is five times faster than its previous version

    July 2015, support for ES6 modules, namespace keyword, for, of support, decorators

    November 2016, an added feature like key and lookup types mapped types, and rest

    On March 27, 2018, conditional types, the improved key with intersection types supports added to the Typescript.

    Features of JavaScript

    cross-platform language

    used for client-side and server-side

    easy to learn and to start with

    dynamic language: flexible and powerful

    You have ‘the great freedom to do whatever you want with any object

    Strong Testing Workflow

    Added Dependencies

    Framework Unsupported

    Features of Typescript


    Offered great productivity for developers

    Code navigation and bug prevention

    Code ‘discoverability’ & refactoring

    Optional Static Type Annotation / Static Typing

    Additional Features for Functions

    Supports ES6

    Supports interfaces, sub-interfaces, classes, and subclasses

    Scalable HTML5 client-side development

    Rich IDE is available with autocomplete and code navigation features.

    Class-based object-oriented with the inheritance of private members and interfaces.

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    Difference Between TypeScript and JavaScript

    TypeScript and JavaScript share many similarities in developing interactive web pages. JavaScript is a dynamic, lightweight, interpreted language that is used to enhance HTML web pages. TypeScript is an enhanced version of JavaScript. This means TypeScript is a combination of JavaScript and some other traits.

    Let’s understand the head-to-head comparison between TypeScript and JavaScript.

    Developed ByMicrosoft in 2012Brendan Eich (Netscape) in 1995
    DefinitionTypeScript is a powerful object-oriented language as a superset to JavaScript, with generic and JS features to overcome the complexities of JS.JavaScript is a scripting language with first-class functions to create dynamic web pages.
    TypingStrongly Typed. TypeScript supports both static and dynamic typing.Loosely typed. JavaScript supports only dynamic typing.
    EcosystemTypeScript is more of a powerful and intuitive language that supports static typing.JavaScript is a simple language that optimizes code for compatibility, easy to read and write.
    CompilationTypeScript needs to be compiled.JavaScript does not need compilation.
    Data BindingTypeScript utilizes concepts like interfaces and types to define the data being employed.No such notion is presented in JavaScript.
    Learning CurveTypeScript has a stiff learning curve. Also, it needs scripting knowledge.It is easy to learn and a flexible language for writing web scripts.
    Npm PackagesWith Typescript, numerous npm packages either have static type definitions or have an exterior one that is simpler to install.JavaScript provides the alternative to search and form code without any build step.
    Client-Side or Server-SideTypeScript is specially used on the client side.JavaScript is used on both server side and client-side.
    Files Extensions.tsx and .ts.js
    CommunityTypeScript has a smaller community of software developers.JavaScript has a large community of software developers.
    PrototypingThe prototyping feature is available in TypeScript.JS doesn’t support prototyping.
    Companies and WebsitesAsana, Clever, Screen awardAirbnb, Codecademy, Instagram
    Code Examplefunction multiply (a, b){ return a*b;}var result = multiply(a, b);console.log(‘The answer is – ’ + result);<script>function multiply (a, b){ return a\*b;}var result = multiply(a, b);document.write (‘The answer is – ’ + result);</script>

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