Top Vue Libraries You Should Know
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There are a number of Vue component libraries available, both official and community-built. As a leading Vue js development company we have mentioned here some popular examples as follows:
Top Vue Libraries
Vuex is the official state management library for Vue.js applications, providing a centralized store for managing application state.
Vue Router
Vue Router is the official router for Vue.js applications, allowing developers to set up and manage application routes and navigation.
Vue Test Utils
Vue Test Utils is an official testing utility library that aids in writing unit tests for Vue components.
Axios is a popular promise-based HTTP client for making HTTP requests in Vue applications, simplifying data fetching from a backend server or API
VueI18n is a library for internationalization in Vue.js applications, allowing developers to implement multilingual features.
Chart.js is a popular library for creating responsive and customizable charts in Vue applications, aiding in visual data representation.
Buefy: This is a compact Bulma CSS framework-based Vue.js component library. It has support for themes and a variety of UI elements, including forms, tables, and models.
UI Component Libraries:
- Vuetify: A Material Design-inspired UI component library with a wide range of components, including buttons, inputs, tables, and menus.
- Element UI: An Ant Design-inspired UI component library with a focus on enterprise applications.
- BootstrapVue: A Vue port of the popular Bootstrap CSS framework.
- Buefy: A lightweight and customizable UI component library.
- Quasar: A Vue-based UI framework that provides a complete set of components and tools for building responsive web applications.
- Vuesax: A Vue component library with a focus on simplicity and usability.
State Management Libraries:
- Vuex: A centralized state management library for Vue.js applications.
- Pinia: A newer state management library for Vue.js applications that is gaining popularity due to its simplicity and performance.
Routing Libraries:
- Vue Router: The official routing library for Vue.js applications.
- Vue-Router2: A newer routing library for Vue.js applications that is based on Vuex.
Validation Libraries:
- Vee-Validate: A popular validation library for Vue.js applications with a wide range of validation rules.
- Validate: A lightweight validation library for Vue.js applications.
- Axios: A JavaScript library for making HTTP requests.
Testing Libraries:
- Jest: A popular JavaScript testing framework.
- Vue Test Utils: A testing library for Vue.js applications.
- Ava: A JavaScript testing framework that is similar to Jest but is more focused on performance.
Other Libraries:
- Vuetify Iconfont: A set of Vuetify icons that can be used in Vue applications.
- Vue-i18n: A library for internationalizing Vue applications.
- Axios: A JavaScript library for making HTTP requests.
- Vue-Chart.js: A library for creating charts in Vue applications.
- Vue-AwesomeSwiper: A library for creating swiper carousels in Vue applications.
- Vue-VirtualScrollList: A library for creating virtual scroll lists in Vue applications.
VueJS Development Company
Innvonix is a Vue js development company offering reliable Vue js development services. Hire Vue js developers who have in-depth knowledge as well as experience with the Vue js framework.
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